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Събитие: 8 June, 2013 – Natural Parks Day – Cleaning up the environment


Ambassadors of the campaign:

1. Kolyo Milev – Mayor of Sliven

2. Nikolina Yancheva – Actress from  Drama Theatre “Stefan Kirov”

The event will be organized as a comprehensive campaign to promote “Blue Stones” Natural Park amongst the population of Sliven and park visitors on the project “Conservation and restoration of 11 types of habitat near rivers and wetlands in 10 Natura 2000 spots in the Bulgarian forests» LIFE08NAT/BG/000281, carried out with the support of LIFE program of the European Union.

The aim is to raise public and visitors’ awareness on important facts about the park, as well as the. behaviour that must be followed while in the park and the types and main threats to its territory.


Messages that will be addressed are:

• ” ” Blue Stones “Natural Parkgives us opportunity for rest and relaxation, and as good proprietors of the environment we should take advantage of them,”
• “” Blue Stones “Natural Park is a wealth of  citizens of Sliven.Only they can preserve it, so it remains for the future generations.”
• According to BA on the territory of “Blue Stones” Natural Park there are protected species of plants and animals such as the two species of tortoises, salamander, ground squirrel, Thracian Maple, orchids from Orchidaceae family and others. If we are not careful, they may disappear for ever from NP “Blue Stones”.


The program includes:

31.05.2013, 12:00 : Conference with the media

03.06.-06.07.2013, promotional campaign in the city

08.06.2013g. – National Day of Parks

Start time 9:00
Meeting point: in front of Information  Visitor Center «Haidushka pateka” : reading a lecture on protected species of plants and animals within the Park “Blue Stones”. Announcing conditions for conducting and participating in the contest for best – amateur photo of a plant or animal made during cleaning.

9:30 : Transportation of students and volunteers by buses from «Haidushka Pateka” Route: Selishteto, Ablanovo, Bulgarka Karandila, Slancheva polyana, Ravna River;

13:00 End of the cleaning

13:30 Setting off from the cleaning places and returning to Information – Visitor Center «Haidushka Pateka”. Awarding the best photos.