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Събитие: 18 January, 2013, “Blue Stones” Natural Park will present a new project on sustainable planning and management of the park


Press conference

On 18.01.2013 at 11:00 am in the Hall of Sliven Club an introductory press conference (meeting) will be held in connection with the forthcoming implementation of the project “Sustainable management and structure of Natural Park ”Blue Stones” on operate program “Environment 2007-2013” “.

The project foresees building of wooden entrance panels and new hiking routes with spots for resting on five places. Along with this, the building of already existing Information Tourist Center at the beginning of “Haidushka pateka” will be renovated . Also rehabilitation of the specialized route for people with disabilities is to be made. – There will be restrictive railings that will be dug into the ground along its length. They will be painted in black and yellow, as required by the Union of the Blind. The project foresees establishment and maintenance of 4 specialized thematic routes in the park – historical, horse, dendrological and ornithological. The historic route will be around Bulgarka area, Horse route runs along the ridge of the mountain, dendrological one will be on the territory of Ablanovo and the ornithological beside Karakyutyuk area. Information boards indicating the beginning and end of each route will be placed. The project “Sustainable management and structure of Natural Park” Blue Stones “on Operate Programme” Environment 2007-2013 “is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union in the amount of 85% of the total eligible costs. Its total value is 3,680 687.86 lev as 3128 584.68 lev- are European funds from  European Regional Development Fund, and the remaining 552 103.18 lev are from the state budget. Implementation deadline : 31.3.2015

This is the third project won by “Blue Stones” Natural Park to the Executive Forest Agency (EFA) by the Operational Programme “Environment 2007-2013″. During the meeting project activities , expected results and working team will be presented.