Профил на купувача Интерактивна карта ОПОС 3
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Object of activity:

- Organizing activities for conservation and restoration of biological and landscape diversity;
- Conducting educational, promotional, advisory and interpretation activities;
- Establishing and maintaining the park infrastructure for serving the aims of tourism and recreation;
- Organizing and participating in the implementation of tourism and recreation activities;
- Carring out scientific and scientificly applicable research activities in the park;
- Establishing and maintaining a database, collecting and spreading out information about the park and the surrounding areas.

Planning, financing and organizing :

- specialized research in the field of biodiversity;

- organization of maintenance or restoration events for plants and animal species and their habitats;

- conduction of educational programs with the local population and the visitors of the park;

- building and operation of the system of visitor information centers;

- production and publication of informational, promotional, souvenir and other popular materials for the park;

- building and maintaining hiking trails, places for having a rest, information boards, shelters and other elements of architecture for serving the aims of tourism and recreation;

- protection of cultural and historical heritage.

Coordinates activities intended in the Management Plan, as well as other initiatives and projects carried by local authorities and public organizations, connected with regional development, tourism development, sustainable resource use, protection and restoration of biodiversity.

- the status of the priority natural habitat types, plant and animal communities and populations of protected, rare, endangered and endemic species of flora and fauna;

- tourism within the park;

- the impact of different types of natural and anthropogenic factors on biodiversity.

- Adherence to rules and limitations within the park resulting from regulations and the management plan;
- Sustainable use of natural resources in accordance with relevant plans and the project;
- Tourist activities withing  the park.
Maintains a database of the state of biodiversity, natural resources, recreation and tourist sights, as well as cultural and historical sights in the park and surrounding regions.
We are looking for opportunities for additional funding of the activities provided in the Management Plan  through regional, national and international financial institutions.