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Customer Charter

The Nature Park Sinite Kamani implement the state policy on protected area management. Activities related to the management, based on the principles of legality, transparency, accessibility, accountability and coordination. Following these principles, the Nature Park Sinite Kamani offers you this Customer Charter and standards for administrative services. With the development of the Nature Park Sinite Kamani we will complement and amend the Charter to meet the changing needs of customers.

Before drafting the Charter, we collected information on the manner in which the service provider. We understand that customers want:

To be served quickly and efficiently;
To have easy access to information;
Expert are knowledgeable and helpful;
The atmosphere in the premises to be enjoyable.

The main goals we set are:

Improve the level of access to services and detailed information to customers about their rights and the types of administrative services, which they can obtain;
Quality of care and reduce the time to obtain them;
Achieving transparency and responsiveness, as well as providing an opportunity to communicate with friendly and knowledgeable staff throughout the process of administrative services;
Encourage clients to express their views on the services they receive.
The desire of the administration of the park is to provide the best possible service to anyone who needs help with her she’ll take recommendations related to improving the quality of customer service.

Our responsibilities to customers are:

Professionalism and respectfulness;
Providing clear, understandable, complete and accurate information through various means of communication;
Consideration of the views and recommendations of the quality of administrative services.

Customers expect to receive:

Respect and tolerance;
Attention and attentive to other clients;
Compliance with agreed with staff meetings;
Provide additional information if necessary;
Timely notification of changes in circumstances (if there are any) related to the claim for administrative service;
Provide complete and accurate information.

General responsibilities:

We can help to build a pleasant atmosphere with mutual respect, attention and patience.

You can contact us and get information in the following ways:

as you visit us or send comments to the address of the Nature Park Sinite Kamani: Bulgaria, 8800 Sliven, 1 Aleksander Stamboliiski, 5th floor of “Pech”;
by contacting us at the following numbers: 044/624632 and 044/662961;
information you receive every day from 8:00 to 16:30. Lunchtime staff is from 12:00 to 12:30;
details on the operations of our public services can be found on the Internet at: www.dppsk.org

We expect you to freely express your opinions, suggestions and comments such as:

you call or send your letter by fax 044/662961;
send your post to: Bulgaria, 8800 Sliven, 1 Aleksander Stamboliiski, 5th floor of “Pech” addressed to the Director of the Nature Park Sinite Kamani;
come in person to the office of the Directorate of the park;
send an e-mail address: dppsinite_kamani@nug.bg.

If you have a complaint, we want to know about it. Our procedure is clear and easily accessible – send your signal to the address of the Directorate of the park to the Director. We will investigate and will respond in writing within 30 working days of receiving it if we can not respond within that period, we will inform you why. We will inform you if you need to do something extra and when to expect a full reply from us.

Is important for us to receive your opinions, suggestions, comments, alerts and complaints to be able to analyze the information received and to take the necessary actions to improve the quality of services provided. To build trust between you and our administration we will make public the actions we have taken in response to your suggestions.

In their relationship with you in providing administrative services, we are guided by the following acts:

Administrative Procedure
Law on Administrative Offenses and Penalties
Administration Act
Protected Areas Act
Biodiversity Act
Water Act
Law on Access to Public Information
Civil Service Act
Law on Protection of Classified Information
Law on Protection of Personal Data
Act on Administrative Regulation and Administrative Control on Economic Activity
Forest Act
The Hunting and Game Protection
Management Plan for Nature Park Sinite Kamani
Rules of GMP

In turn, we are committed to comply with the rights set out in those documents. To achieve good results, we expect you to follow them with your assigned duties.

Here you can get after ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES:

1. Consultation of plans, projects and programs to individuals and entities associated with the Nature Park Sinite Kamani.

2. Providing samples and data from the Management Plan for Nature Park Sinite Kamani, or forest management according to the following regulations: Article 2, item 4 of the Decree № 266 / 03.12.1998 section for adoption of tariff charges imported into the budget.

To get the desired service, you must apply
For the service you have to pay a fee of 4.00 lev cash.
Within 7 days we will provide the service.
You will receive a statement from a member of GMP.
Should the statement you get, you can make a complaint to the Director of GMP.

3. Providing map information from GIS (geographical information system) Nature Park Sinite Kamani, according to the following regulations: Art. 2 item 3 of the Decree № 266 / 12.03.1998 so adopting a tariff fees paid to the budget.

To get the desired service, you must apply.
For the service you have to pay a fee of 5.00 lev cash.
Within 7 days we will provide the service.
You will receive a statement from a member of GMP.
Should the statement you get, you can make a complaint to the Director of GMP.
Coordination of investment proposals, projects, plans and programs for forests, land and water areas owned by individuals and legal entities.