The world of micro-and macromycetes is diverse and amazing. They have special place in the nature as they can be spotted in the air,under water,in soil, forest, steppe, desert, wetlands, tundra, at home, in gardens, in different buildings.Some of the fungi are eatable and many of them are source of anti-biotic, anti-cancer and other substances.The diversity of fungi in the “Blue Stones” Park is also very big.
According to the research done in the area of the park, which continues up to now, there are 209 species from class Ascomicetes and Basidiomicetes, which relate to 11 orders and 35 families.There are 3 orders and 3 families from class Ascomicetes and 8 orders and 32 families from class Basidiomicetes.The genus of Polyporaceae family (25,5%) and Tricholomataceae (11,7 % ) family are the ones with the biggest number of species.
The macromycetes are divided in the following ecological groups :
saprophytes on wood - 43%
micosimiotrophes – 29%
humus saprophytes – 16%
parasite on trees – 9%
saprophytes in litter – 4%
coprotrophes – 3%
96 species can be spotted along beech communities, followed by those in the mixed deciduous forests , in which oak is dominating , (51 species) and those in mixed oak-beech – hornbeam with participation of pine and poplar (45 species). Macrolepiota procera, Pleurotus ostreatus, Russula foentens, Suilus granulatus, Boletus pinophillus and others can be also spotted. There are many Pachykytospora tuberculosa species, which is very rare in Bulgaria. Agaricus pseudopratensis and Boletus dupanii are also considered as rare.